Google Ad Words

Google Ad Words – Advertising service:

Google ad words service is an advertising service by Google for businesses. This service is mostly concentrated on keywords.  The Ad Words process allows businesses to set a budget for advertising & pay when user clicks the ads. If your Ad Words ad is clicked on, Google search users are then concentrated to your website.

Selecting keywords for your Ad Words: Google ad words

Broad Match: This spreads to the most of users by displaying your ad whenever your keyword is sought for.

Broad Match Modifier: allows your ad to display for searches that include your broad match keyword or close variations of your broad match keyword.

Phrase Match: Your ad is displayed for searches that match the exact phrase.

Exact Match: Your ad is shown for searches that match the particular phrase completely.

Negative Match: This choice stops your ad from display when a word you specify is searched for.

Use matching selections with your keywords to help control which searches can activate your ad. Once selecting the suitable match type for a keyword, we usually mention starting with broad match to make the most of your potential to show your ads on relevant searches.

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